By Martie Thompson

The Bartram Trail Branch Library, located at 60 Davis Pond Blvd., closed on Saturday, April 20 for repairs to the sprinkler system. The anticipated re-opening date is shortly after Labor Day in September, according to Judy Chandler, vice president of the Friends of the Bartram Trail Branch Library.

The 14,980 square foot library, which opened in 1997, will undergo a project to replace all fire sprinkler pipes and fixtures throughout the building and library exterior. Because this project addresses the entire building’s fire suppression system, the branch must remain closed to staff, volunteers, and patrons through its duration.

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“We understand the disruption in local service this closure will cause,” said Dan Markus, Bartram Trail Branch Manager. “We hope our patrons will take advantage of the great electronic collections we offer for borrowing and use the temporary location we have arranged to check out physical items.”

Chandler said the librarians have taken a limited supply of books to the St. Johns County Recreation and Parks NW Office at Mills Field, which will be used as a temporary location while the building is closed. This temporary storefront, which is located just two miles north of the library branch, will allow patrons to borrow items they have requested and return items during open hours. (These hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Tuesdays 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.)

“This location will not have an after hours book drop nor will patrons be able to pay fines in cash here,” Chandler said. “Credit cards are accepted for fines over $3.”

Many ongoing library programs have also found temporary homes for the summer:

Adult Crafts and the Friday Book Club will be held at the Julington Creek Annex, 725 Flora Branch Blvd.

Tuesday Night Book Club will be held at the Twisted Compass, 585 State Road 13

Story Times will be held at Faith Community Church on County Road 210, just west of Cimarrone

The FLYP children’s summer programs will be held at Switzerland Community Church as usual.

The library’s phone number will remain the same as it will be forwarded to the temporary location at Mills Field for the summer.

Visit for more information and updates on library events and construction.


Photo courtesy Martie Thompson

The Bartram Trail Branch Library is presently closed for needed repairs.

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