By Angela Higginbotham
The highly anticipated third annual Comic Con will be held at the Bartram Trail Library Branch on June 3, 2017 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. A celebration of all things superhero, Comic Con has become an event kids look forward to year after year. Although customized for younger kids, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun with their favorite characters. Wear a costume and the experience will be even more exciting for all.
“The director really wanted to start this event and I just took it and ran with it, said Maribeth Wood, reference and adult services librarian. “It’s a really fun day. It’s a joint effort to make it all happen and the Jacksonville Public Library loans us the decorations. We have eight – 10 stations and two staff members at each station.”
A graphic novelist will be in attendance to share insight with kids of all ages. Attendees will have a chance to win prizes through trivia and tabletop games. Medieval crafts will be a highlight of the event for younger kids. Bring your camera and capture the day with great photo ops around the library, such as a Harry Potter push trolley brick wall. Darth Vader, Stormtroopers and other characters will also be on hand to take photos and brings smiles.
Star Wars themed food will be on hand for everyone to enjoy. Those planning to attend are encouraged to plan ahead and come early for parking at the 60 Davis Pond Blvd. location in St. Johns.
“The parking lot can fill up fast at the library. Last year we had about 500 in attendance at the event, and we expect the number to increase for this year,” Wood said.
Generation after generation have been inspired and entertained through fantasy and comics. Comic Con is an event that certainly shouldn’t be missed. Bring family and friends and enter a fun-filled, out of this world experience. Come early to celebrate all that the library has to offer and to enjoy all things pop culture.
Visit or call (904) 827-6960 for more information. This event is sponsored by the Bartram Trail Friends of the Library.
Photos courtesy Kristen Braxton.
Comic Con will be held on June 3 at the Bartram Trail Branch Library.