By Kristen Hicks-Roof PhD, RDN, LDN, CLC

Did you know that Oct. 16 is recognized as World Food Day by the Food and Agriculture Organization? This day is recognized to spread awareness of the incredible food systems of the world and also brings forth awareness of food hunger and food insecurity. Food insecurity, otherwise known as lack of access or affordability of healthy foods, impacts nearly 10 percent of American households (USDA). Moreover, across Florida, one in eight people face issues of hunger and food insecurity (Feeding America).

How can you help improve the world’s food systems for the better?

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  • Select variety in your dietary pattern (add in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains, reducing the intake of processed foods)
  • Reduce food waste and become more sustainable
  • Support local, small food producers, farms, and organizations
  • Get involved in gardening at your home or in your local community
  • Join the movement #worldfoodday ( 

How can you help those who suffer from food insecurity?

  • Surprise a friend/family member/neighbor with a meal
  • Inform and educate those who are food insecure of resources in the local community (food pantries, food banks, food assistance programs). Some resources can be found here ( 
  • Volunteer at food-related organizations ( 
  • Donate food, resources and/or money to organizations trying to fight food insecurity

The University of North Florida has a dedicated Center for Nutrition and Food Security. This organization has direct impacts on the Jacksonville and surrounding community by three main programs. These programs include Food Fighters, Meals on Wings and Hearts and More. To learn more and to get involved, contact them on their website ( 

Don’t wait any longer, take action today!

Kristen K. Hicks-Roof Ph.D., RDN, LDN, CLC is an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Brooks College of Health, University of North Florida.

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