Q. What is property fraud?
A. Property fraud is when someone illegally uses your property for financial gain. Examples of this would be someone recording a fraudulent deed, mortgage or lien against your property in the Official Records of the St. Johns County Clerk’s Office.

Q. Why should people be concerned about fraudulent recording activity?
A. According to the FBI, property and mortgage fraud is the fastest growing white-collar crime. Unless you continually monitor Official Records recorded under your name, undetected fraudulent documents could interfere with future transactions such as selling or refinancing your property.

Q. Since 2018, your office has offered a service to help property owners combat potential fraud related to property transactions. How many people have signed up for the alerts?
A. More than 22,000 residents have registered since the rollout in 2018, with more than 7,000 sign ups since January 2024. It’s been a priority of our office to inform both residents and businesses about our property fraud alert system. All property owners in St. Johns County received a flier with details on how to sign up in their recent property tax bill.

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Q. How does your service compare to companies that market fraud alert services?
A. Commercial alert companies charge a monthly fee for fraud alerts, but our office offers this free of charge. Like commercial alerts, our free service doesn’t prevent the actual fraudulent activity from occurring — but it does provide an early warning system. Subscribers can then take quick action if they see something fraudulent. Residents can sign up at www.stjohnsclerk.com.

Q. What is the best way for people to contact your office with questions about property fraud alerts?
A. If residents have questions about how to sign up for our property fraud alerts, or any other services we offer, they can call us at (904) 819-3600 or email us at clerk@stjohnsclerk.com.

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