Q: Can you shed any light on why the construction is taking so long on Veterans Parkway between Race Track Road and Longleaf Pine Parkway?
A: This has been under construction for way too long. It’s been frustrating for me and I know it’s been frustrating for residents. Basically the project is to take the two lane road and make it four lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Last year there was an engineering design flaw that delayed construction for six months. Now we are ready to go, but have run into materials shortages, notably concrete and asphalt. Presently, they are looking for approved alternatives to use. I have not stopped pushing our staff to get this project finished. They know it is a priority for me and for you.
Q: At what point of the annual budget process is the County Commission?
A: We are in the final stages of setting the 2022-23 budget; the new fiscal year starts Oct. 1. We set the maximum rate of property taxes at the current rate, so there is no tax rate increase. People might see an increase in the amount they pay, though, due to the increase in our property values. It’s important to note that the Board of County Commissioners can only control the rate; the free market controls the property value. In September, we will set the final rate and we could still consider the roll back rate.
Q: Are there any noteworthy items in the budget you’d like to highlight?
A: The Sheriff is asking for a decent increase in his budget, but it is to do things we all think are important regarding public safety. He proposes that all deputies should earn a minimum of $50,000. If this budget is approved, the sheriff will finally be able to compete with surrounding counties for quality employees.
Also, there is $10 million in the budget which is proposed to activate a 60- acre parcel of land that the county already owns off Greenbriar Road into a northwest park. This money will go towards improving the park with ballfields in Phase 1 of a three phase project. We are still seeking input from the community as to the types of ballfields desired. Please contact me and let me know your thoughts on this and be sure to copy the director of our Parks and Rec Department, Ryan Kane (rkane@sjcfl.us). This park has been needed for a long time and I’m extremely excited about the progress.
There are also millions of dollars in the budget for things like roads, drainage projects, and other prescribed improvements on our five-year-plan.
The County Road 210 expansion project between Cimarrone and Greenbriar Road is already funded and moving forward. It should be complete in 650 days, according to our Public Works Department. We are doing this project the right way — the extra lanes added will also include bike lanes and sidewalks.
Q: Do you have any update on the possibility of the formation of a public housing authority for the county?
A: We recently had our first introduction to what a housing authority would look like in St. Johns County. I asked a lot of tough questions in the meeting that I didn’t get satisfactory answers to and no decisions have been made at this time. We want to help those who are not able to work, but there might be other mechanisms to accomplish this. I think we need to investigate this more fully. Anytime you are expanding the size of government, I think it’s important to measure twice and cut once.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Readers can email me at bcc1cwhitehurst@sjcfl.us or call me at (904) 584-5348.