Q: What is coming up on the calendar of the Property Appraiser’s Office?
A: It is almost time for TRIM (Truth in Millage Notices) to be sent out to property owners. It’s important to keep in mind that over the past two years, property values in St. Johns County have increased approximately 20 percent, which translates to higher taxes even without a tax increase.
Q: What can you tell us about TRIM notices?
A: TRIM is the most important document a property owner will get in St. Johns County. They will be mailed by our office on Aug. 16 and are also available online (www.sjcpa.us) as of that date. Within the mailing, property owners will receive a copy of the State of Florida Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights and a list of exemptions in addition to the TRIM notice.
Q: What will the TRIM notice contain?
A: The TRIM notice shows the market value, the assessed value and the taxable value of your property for 2018 and proposed for 2019. It will also show any exemptions for the property. Make sure you check your TRIM notice for accuracy as to values and exemptions.The taxes are listed by taxable authority and will show what the taxes would be if the county made no changes to the budget. This is called the “rollback rate,” essentially what your taxes would be this year to allow the county to collect the same amount of money as last year. TRIM will also show the proposed taxes if the proposed budget is passed; this is what would be on the tax bill.
Beginning on Aug. 12, if you go to our website (www.sjcpa.us) or Facebook page, you can view a video with a detailed explanation of TRIM and the appeals process.
Q: What if people would like more information about the individual taxing authorities?
A: The TRIM notice also contains the date and time of the budget hearing for each of the taxing authorities, so property owners can attend to learn more.
Q: What should property owners do if they disagree with the value assessed by your office?
A: When the TRIM notice is mailed, a 25-day clock starts. If the taxpayer has any discrepancy with the Property Appraiser’s Office, they should contact us to discuss. If we can’t come to agreement, the taxpayer can file an appeal with the Value Adjustment Board. It is very important to do this within the 25-day window, because if not, a taxpayer will lose his or her right to appeal.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Our office is located at 4030 Lewis Speedway Ste. 203, (904) 827-5500. It is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Also, readers can email me at Eddie@sjcpa.us or call me at (904) 827-5500.