Q: What is the latest on the RiverTown K-8 school?
A: We are really pleased because we are making good progress on this school. Tomorrow [May 16], weather permitting, walls will be raised which should get the community excited. I do receive a lot of questions about the zoning for this new school, which is slated to open in Fall 2025. It will not hold all of the K-8 students that are in RiverTown. Recall that the plan all along has been to build this school as a transitional K-8 school, until there are enough elementary students in RiverTown to build an elementary school. At that time, the K-8 school will become a middle school. Ultimately, we expect to have two elementary schools and one middle school in RiverTown.

Q: When will the zoning for this new school be determined?
A: The zoning discussion will likely begin in September of this year as we need to have it fully zoned by the end of November. There will be lots of opportunity for public input throughout the process.

Q: Do you have an update on the proposed Shearwater K-8 and Nocatee K-8, which are scheduled to open in Fall 2026?
A: Both of these construction contracts are out for bid, with the bid period scheduled to close on May 29.

Q: Do you have any thoughts on the end of this school year?
A: By the time you read this, school will be out for the summer. We had a wonderful school year and are so grateful for our parents and their support. We couldn’t be more proud of our students. Our students have earned millions and millions of dollars in scholarships this year; our kids have excelled as always. Many have also excelled in our career academies and already have jobs lined up for after graduation. This year we have more students enlisting in the military and being accepted to military academies. We are quite proud of all of our students.

Q: Do you have anything else to share with District 1?
A: Superintendent Tim Forson has named Jessica McCool as the new principal at Cunningham Creek Elementary, to replace Katie O’Connell who has moved on to be the principal of Trout Creek Academy. Many thanks to Bethany Mitidieri who served as interim principal. Jessica McCool has most recently served as assistant principal at Liberty Pines Academy.

We are pleased that we were able to hire 100 new teachers at our teacher recruitment fair in late April. We are looking good in all categories for next year, but still have a need for paraprofessionals for our special needs classes. Interested parties can visit our website (www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/jobs/) to apply.

Finally, if you know anyone who is moving to the area with new students for next year, please encourage them to go to our website (www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/families)  as soon as possible and enroll their students, particularly any new kindergarteners, for next year.

Q: How can our readers contact you?

A: They can email me at beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

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