Q: Were you able to continue your tradition of visiting District 1 schools on the first day of school?
A: Yes, I went to all 10 District 1 schools and found the students to be happy, well behaved and learning. The teachers were smiling and welcoming them back. We had a few glitches with transportation, as usual early in the school year. We ask for everyone’s patience as we work out any unexpected surprises. Adjustments are ongoing and we expect to have everything on schedule very shortly.

Q: What can you tell us about the new safety protocols?
A: Some changes from the legislature to our safety procedures have been instituted. We are now required to lock all gates around the school buildings and of course visitors still have to ring a doorbell to be admitted to the school. The layers of security are deep. We’ve already had a visit from the Office of Safe Schools on the second day of school to make sure we were following the new procedures — which of course we are.

Q: Have school grades been received yet from last school year?
A: Yes and once again, our district did exceedingly well. All District 1 schools remain an “A” and in fact the lowest graded school we have in the whole county is a “C.” We actually had a couple of schools improve from either a “C” or a “B” to an “A” this year. Ever since grades have been given, our district has been an “A” district and we share that distinction with Sarasota County.

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Q: Are our schools sufficiently staffed [as of interview date of Aug. 15]?
A: I’m very pleased that we have few staff vacancies; almost all of our schools are fully staffed. Also, at our upcoming Aug. 20 special school board meeting, we will ratify both of our union contracts. We are delighted to start the new school year with new contracts for our teachers and support staff.

Q: Do you have anything else to share with District 1?
A: Before the start of the school year, we had our traditional back to school prayer held at every school in the district. We’ve done this for more than 20 years.

Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

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