By Martie Thompson

There is a new support group for people with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers in Mandarin. Started by Katheryn Donaldson and her husband (and Parkinson’s patient) Philip, the group meets the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Church of Eleven 22 on Losco Road. A “soft opening” of the group at the Donaldsons’ home in mid-October, advertised solely by word of mouth, attracted 11 participants. Donaldson, convinced of the need for such a group, hosted the second meeting on Dec. 8 at the church. 

“We had a wonderful group meeting at the church,” Donaldson said. “We learned all about Mediterranean meals and food that helps our brains. What we put in our bodies is very important!”

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Donaldson said lots of questions were asked and information was shared throughout the meeting. People mingled afterwards with each other. 

The meetings, which last for about two hours, each start with a 10-minute workout to get participants moving. Next, any new members are introduced, and then each month Donaldson has a theme for the meeting. Healthy food ideas and vendors were at the December meeting and coping by painting, where participants will each paint a canvas, is planned for January. Other themes throughout 2025 include senior helpers and fall prevention, board games and puzzles, and a CPR class. 

Naturally something this labor intensive came about due to a personal connection. About four years ago, Philip Donaldson began experiencing symptoms, but like many with Parkinson’s, the formal diagnosis took a few years. Like many, the Donaldsons had questions and felt the need to seek out others like themselves. Since the Donaldsons are both still working, one of the challenges they found was that most Parkinson’s groups were aimed at retirees due to the times the groups met. 

“We found and joined a Parkinson’s group in Fleming Island a few months ago, but it’s a long drive for us and we were sure that there were others who could benefit from a support group in Mandarin,” Katheryn Donaldson said. “We took the advice of a former pastor of ours who said, ‘If you see a need, fill it’ and so we decided to start this new group.”

Donaldson said they are fortunate to have found Jax Hope, Inc., an organization committed to creating a caring community for people with Parkinson’s disease in Northern Florida. The new Mandarin support group falls under the Jax Hope umbrella, joining five other groups in Jacksonville and two in the surrounding area.

Additionally, Katheryn Donaldson is in the process of being certified as a group fitness instructor. Her plan is to offer a weekly fitness class for people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers at the Church of Eleven 22 on Thursdays from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. beginning on Jan. 9.

“Exercise is the only thing that Parkinson’s disease patients can do to slow the progression of the disease,” she said. 

Donaldson said she believes that even though someone has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, there is still a lot of life to live and that living it one day at a time is key. The support group’s motto is “Together we are stronger than the challenges we face.”

“We know there is a need for these groups,” she said. “We want people to know they are not alone and we want to form a community. Philip and I are new to this and we need this too. We’re all going to learn from each other.”

[Editor’s Note: Contact group leader Katheryn Donaldson at or (904) 710-1449 for more information.]

Photo courtesy Katheryn Donaldson
Philip and Katheryn Donaldson.

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