Q: Do you have a construction update on the Mandarin Senior Center?
A: I walked through the facility in early November. They are making good progress, but my understanding is that they are still targeting an opening after the first of the year. I’d like to recognize the Mandarin Rotary Club for its $2,000 donation for program support at the senior center.
Q: What is the latest on sidewalks in Mandarin?
A: We have a couple of updates here. The Public Works Department has agreed to extend the sidewalk on Bernice Road to Bernice Court and to Scott Mill Road. We received input from neighbors on this and work should start in January.
For the Orange Picker Road sidewalks, I would say that the “easier” part of this project is finished. There are some drainage issues that they are still working through. Also, between Mandarin and Brady roads on Orange Picker Road, there will be some new striping on the roadway.
Q: What can you tell us about the Interstate 295 interchange at Old St. Augustine Road?
A: I have heard from residents that this area hasn’t really been cleaned up and it looks like construction is not completed under the overpass and on the ramps. The Florida Department of Transportation is aware of this and acknowledges that they still have some work to do in this area.
Q: The change in the trash pick up schedule has raised some concerns. Can you comment?
A: I met with the new regional vice president for Waste Pro recently in my office. They have revisited the schedule and feel it is for the best going forward. Changes were made as they reassessed their scheduling practices with the desire to stay on schedule. At this time, drivers are still learning their new routes. I’d ask residents to contact my office directly for the most expedient response if they have any issues and so we can monitor any follow up.
Q: What is the latest with the potential privatization of JEA?
A: I encourage Mandarin NewsLine readers to continue to follow this issue and get involved in the process. There is a series of workshops ongoing with the next one scheduled for Dec. 9, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Lynwood Roberts Room on the first floor of City Hall. This workshop is particularly important because it will be the first time we will hear directly from the CEO of JEA about their perspective. This workshop will be recorded and streamed live on coj.net. Residents can also submit questions for future workshops at this website.
Q: Do you have anything else to share with Mandarin residents?
A: The next Mandarin Town Hall meeting will be held on Jan. 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Mandarin Library.
Also, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to everyone in Mandarin for a great holiday season.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.