Q: What’s contained in the Capital Improvement Plan in the 2022-23 City of Jacksonville budget for Mandarin?
A: There are a few line items affecting Mandarin, including the Orange Picker Road realignment/Alberts Field improvements/dog park; repairs to the Julington Creek Bridge; the Loretto sidewalk extension from Flynn Road to Mandarin Road; and funds to repair Tar Kiln Bridge. On the horizon, in the 2025-26 fiscal year, are sidewalks along Plummer Grant Road. There will be a significant investment this fiscal year for a marine fire station, which I suspect will be in the Julington Creek area.
I have requested the Public Works Department report for 2022-23, which details proposed sidewalks, road resurfacing and drainage improvements. This is important because with this report I can answer constituents’ questions as to where they are in the queue for work to be done.
Q: What’s the latest on the Melcon Farms development adjacent to The Wilderness?
A: We’ve been working with the developer to relocate the Arpen Farmhouse from this property to a new location on Sunbeam Road. Now that development has started, I have been assured that the developer is adhering to all the tree clearing requirements as agreed upon.
Q: San Jose medians again. Any updates?
A: I continue to work with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Jacksonville and have been promised that improvements to medians from Interstate 295 south to the Julington Creek Bridge will start this fall. As background, recall that while the medians along San Jose Boulevard (State Road 13) are under the jurisdiction of FDOT, they have contracted with the City of Jacksonville to maintain medians south of Interstate 295 and a private contractor is to maintain medians from Interstate 295 north to Sunbeam Road.
This whole situation continues to be a great source of frustration to me and to residents. I continue my crusade with the city and the state to ensure that this area receives the same attention as other parts of the city and surrounding counties. I remain hopeful that we can get this situation addressed in a professional manner.
Q: Do you have anything else to share with Mandarin?
A: I recently received a letter from a constituent who was concerned about the impact on traffic on Marbon Road once The Julington apartment complex opens. I reached out to the city’s traffic engineering department and have requested an assessment of the current capacity on Marbon Road, an analysis of the impact of the apartment complex as well as the Melcon Farms development on Marbon Road, and what steps can be taken to ameliorate this. I’ll report back as soon as I have this information.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.