Q: Can you describe the changes to School Choice enrollment dates?
A: We’ve had hurricanes and soon the holidays will be upon us, but don’t forget about School Choice. For the 2024 – 25 school year, there are some pretty major changes to enrollment dates for School Choice. This school year, the Elementary Showcase will be Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and the Secondary Showcase will be Jan. 11, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Applications for School Choice will be accepted from Dec. 1, 2024 through the deadline date of Jan. 31, 2025. So start thinking now about School Choice, particularly for middle school and high school.
I have a request: for those parents who have experienced both the current system, which requires parents to travel to each individual school of interest’s open house, as well as the pre-COVID School of Choice Expo (held at the Prime Osborn Center with representatives from all schools under one roof), please let me know if you have a preference.
Q: Are you starting to receive funding from the additional millage yet?
A: Yes, we are starting to see funds from the increased millage and the majority of it supports teacher pay. The extra mill also covers some funding for arts and athletics, since these have had the greatest funding cuts at the state level. While the district is putting turf fields in some high schools with these funds, including at Atlantic Coast High School, it’s important to note that Mandarin High School has the best grass field in the district.
Q: What is the latest update on the Master Facilities Plan?
A: Schools in Mandarin are not adversely affected by the change in the Master Facilities Plan and in fact, I look forward to increased programs for accelerated learning and access to accelerated learning for District 7. The biggest win for Mandarin from the Master Facilities Plan conversation is that a pathway has been created for Mandarin students to have access to magnet programs. For example, Mandarin Oaks Elementary’s gifted and talented program will be expanded to include magnet access for those pursuing accelerated learning in middle and high school. The anticipated begin date for this is 2025.
Q: Your time on the Duval County School Board is coming to an end. What changes have you seen in the time that you have served?
A: My final school board meeting will be Nov. 4, a Monday, since Tuesday, Nov. 5 is Election Day. It has been an honor to represent Mandarin families for the past eight years. I have enjoyed working on behalf of the community to build upon the strengths that make Mandarin unique. We’ve seen so much growth and change and I’m glad we could focus these eight years on meeting the needs of residents. We’ve seen Mandarin Oaks Elementary expand its STEM program and Greenland Pines Elementary’s expansion of technology. Crown Point Elementary has added a Leader in Me program and Loretto has expanded career and technical education. Atlantic Coast High School has partnerships with Mayo for nursing and with JEA for engineering. The expansion of a new wing at Mandarin High School will support its medical arts program and culinary arts program. Twin Lakes Academy Middle School has a partnership with CSX for a drone program and an expanded computer science program, while Mandarin Middle School also has expanded computer science and e-sports programs.
Q: And what is next for you?
A: I’m keeping busy! I’m in the middle of my first term as an adjunct professor at the University of North Florida where I teach “Introduction to Leadership.” Also, I wrote a children’s book with my daughter, Hope, called “Ezra’s Day Off.” In it, Ezra the Earthworm learns that the work he does underground has purpose and value after making a visit above ground to a garden and seeing the plants and insects there. It’s available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at HersheyL@duvalschools.org or call me at (904) 390-2375.