Q: What is the latest on the Orange Picker Road/Brady Road intersection?
A: After much effort, the traffic engineers agreed to and installed a four-way stop sign at this intersection. On Brady Road, large electronic signs were installed north and south, well in advance of the intersection, letting motorists know of the upcoming four-way stop. 

Additionally, the most recent discussion I had with representatives from Coxwell yielded the information that the increased parking at Alberts Field will be completed at the end of September. After that, they will address the dog park.

Q: Where is the city in this year’s budget process [as of interview date of July 16]?
A: On July 15, the mayor introduced her budget and it is now in the hands of the council auditors. A series of council budget hearings will begin on Aug. 8; these will be all day hearings and open to the public. We are always interested in CIP (Capital Improvement Project) in our area and I’m looking to make sure that investment in Mandarin continues. I haven’t had time yet to review the budget in detail, but high on my list are the resurfacing of Beauclerc Road and the remediation of the basin of Deep Bottom Creek. Although I’m not on the Finance Committee, I plan to take an active role in the budget process. 

Q: Do you have an update on the Loretto Road sidewalks?
A: The extension of the sidewalks on Loretto Road and adjoining work from Flynn Road to Mandarin Road with an extension around to connect to Walter Jones Park, is expected to start soon. The plan is to square off the corner of Loretto and Mandarin roads as a safety feature and also delineate a pedestrian walkway across to the Walter Jones Park.

Q: What are your committee assignments for the upcoming year?
A: This coming year, I will serve on my two favorite committees: I’ll continue on the Rules Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee. For the second time in six years, I’ll serve as the Floor Leader. This role is to manage the city council meetings. I will also continue my role as one of three members of the Canvassing Board. This board ensures that we have a credible election process.

I’d like to say thanks to all of our constituents who were patient as Sonia and I took a much needed break the first two weeks of July. We look forward to another year of serving Mandarin. If you’re interested in receiving the newsletter email sent out twice a month by my office, please contact us and ask to be added to the distribution list. 

Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?

A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.

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