Day 6, Sunday, March 27
By Shannon Blankinship, St. Johns Riverkeeper Outreach Director
On Day 6, the Tour Team departed DeLand and headed north, passing the Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge and Lake Dexter. Bald eagles and osprey lined many of the trees we passed. Houseboaters were common in this area and it is a great place to relax and watch the river.

Our first stop was lunch at the Blackwater Inn, a local favorite and great place to dine waterfront in Astor. After leaving Blackwater Inn, the Tour Team took a side trip into Blue Creek, a three mile meandering tributary of the St. Johns ideal for fishing and watching wildlife.
After entering Lake George, the second largest lake in Florida at nearly 46,000 acres, we headed to Silver Glen Springs for a quick dip. Families and friends gathered at the spring for picnics, swimming and snorkeling.
The Tour Team left Silver Glen and continued on to historic Drayton Island for a private dinner prepared by the islanders. Residents from all over Drayton helped prepare the Easter meal, hosted Tour Team members in their homes, provided a “hayride” to the dinner, and welcomed St. Johns Riverkeeper to the island.
Indigo Inn, a private bed and breakfast, hosted several of our team and helped gather friends to share their concerns for the St. Johns and future of their home. These residents are looking to preserve and maintain their rich island history while continuing to maintain its character and protect the St. Johns. We look forward to continuing to work together.
This is the sixth part of an ongoing series. Florida NewsLine is pleased to bring you a daily travelogue, along with photos and videos, submitted to us by Shannon Blankinship, St. Johns Riverkeeper outreach director.
Beginning March 22 and continuing for 13 days, St. Johns Riverkeeper Lisa Rinaman and a team of river advocates will journey the 310-mile length of the St. Johns River, from the headwaters at Fort Drum to the river’s mouth at the fishing village of Mayport on the Atlantic Ocean. The overall goal of the Save the St. Johns River tour is to unite people and organizations devoted to the river’s health and develop a unified approach to halting its degradation.
Photos courtesy St. Johns Riverkeeper
Entering Silver Glen Springs run from Lake George
  Lake George from Drayton Island
  Easter dinner and discussion with Drayton Island residents