By NewsLine Staff
The Ponte Vedra High School Ocean of Sound marching band wrapped up its regular season on a high note as they head for the FMBC state competition in Tampa on Nov. 17. The band earned its highest ever competition score of 89.25 for their finals performance at the Echoes of Excellence Regional Competition on Nov. 3, where they featured their eye-popping 2018 show, “The Mistress of All Evil,” based on Maleficent and the classic Sleeping Beauty fairytale. The band placed second, just behind class 5A band Fleming Island High School which scored 89.7. The band also took home finals trophies for Best in Class Visual and Best in Class Music. During preliminary competition, drum majors Holly Anderson, Camilo Victoria and Riley Jett earned the Distinguished Drum Major award. The awards kept coming with Superior ratings in all remaining categories: Visuals, Music, General Effect, Percussion, Color Guard, and Overall Band Performance.
At the Golden Eagle Classic on Oct. 13, the Ocean of Sound successfully defended its title as Grand Champion against 14 other bands and was the only band to receive a Superior rating during their preliminary performance in all categories: Music, Visual, General Effect, Percussion, Auxiliary and Drum Major. For their finals performance, the band received awards for Best General Effect, Best Visual and Best Music, contributing to an overall score of 75.40 and edging out the Spruce Creek High Steppin’ Hawks, a class 5A band. Riding the wave of that win, the band earned straight Superior ratings at their Musical Performance (MPA) assessment held at Bartram Trail High School on Oct. 27.
The Ocean of Sound started its competitive marching season by placing second out of 14 bands at the First Coast Marching Invitational on Oct. 6 at Nease High School. Kicking off the evening by winning the 4A class in preliminaries, the band also took the awards for Best Music, Visual Performance and General Effect. In finals performance, they scored 72.8, just behind class 5A band Sebastian River High School’s 75.5 score.
Expectations for the band have been high this year as they reflect on their breakout season in 2017 during which they secured Grand Champion awards in two FMBC Regional Band Competitions and placed ninth out of 14 bands in Class 4A semifinals at the state FMBC Championships.
“Last year was such a terrific year for this group and we’re building off of that momentum. We still have a lot of work to do to prepare for State, but these performances prove that we’re not a one-season wonder,” said Band Director Jermaine Reynolds. “We know we are only as good as our last performance and are pushing ourselves to have our best run every single time we take the field.”
The Ocean of Sound is comprised of 107 musicians and 13 color guard, having graduated 22 seniors in 2017 and welcomed 28 freshman this year. In his third year as PVHS band director, Reynolds contributes the band’s growth and success to many things including hard work and dedication by the students, his top-notch staff including auxiliary director Lauren Nock, and the many parent volunteers and Band Boosters who make the program possible.
Photo courtesy Robert Leverock
The Ocean of Sound in its “Mistress of All Evil” finals performance at the Golden Eagle Classic on Oct. 13.