Q: What can you tell us about the new company tasked with waste removal for St. Johns County?
A: FCC Environmental Services is taking over waste and recycling pickup for the county on Aug. 1. Only 12 percent of routes will be changed and FCC has hired 80 percent of the workers from the previous contractor. Residents can keep their same trash receptacle. Since mid-July, FCC has been shadowing the routes to make sure they know them well. They’ve also been meeting with the county weekly to go over any questions and concerns. They’re really committed to providing good service and we anticipate that the changeover will go smoothly. Please be sure to let me know if there are any issues with your service.
Q: Do you have an update on the playground at Cornerstone Park?
A: In mid-July I visited the new Cornerstone Park playground for Popsicle Day. I can’t believe how much wonderful ADA-compliant equipment they have for children. Some of the ADA-compliant equipment is integrated with the regular equipment; for example on the seesaws, it is possible for children with and without special needs to play together at the same time. There are also two awesome tunnel slides that twist, a climbing wall, and an open field for a variety of activities. One cool thing they have is a unique swing that allows an adult to swing together with a toddler in a bucket swing, facing each other as they swing back and forth. A lot of the trees were able to be kept, which I really was impressed with. They provide a lot of shade in addition to the shade sails.
Q: Where does the annual St. Johns County Budget process stand at this point?
A: At our Board of County Commissioners meeting in July, I advocated for adopting the roll-back rate to keep the amount of tax dollars the same for our homeowners. Keeping just the tax rate the same will result in higher taxes due to the increase in home values. It’s important to me that one of the main, or maybe the only, investment that many people have is their home — and I think we owe it to the public to instead adjust the county’s budget to remove wasteful spending or create new revenue through grants or other sources. There will be two public hearings on the budget in September before it is officially adopted and I will continue to advocate for roll-back.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Readers can email me at bcc4kjoseph@sjcfl.us or call me at (904) 679-2620.