By NewsLine Staff

St. Johns County has begun clean-up on the county’s 42 miles of coastline in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. Debris removal, planning and operations are underway for all county beaches, including Ponte Vedra Beach, South Ponte Vedra Beach, Vilano  Beach, St. Augustine Beach, Butler Beach, Crescent Beach and Summer Haven.

At this time, all vehicular beach access points are closed due to erosion, debris, flooding and dune reduction. In addition, many walkovers and pedestrian access points were severely damaged or destroyed. Residents are encouraged to avoid the beach or exercise extreme caution if visiting the beach, until thorough clean-up has been conducted and debris has been removed from walkways, the shore and parking lots.

For more information on beach clean-up and access during this time of post-storm recovery, call the St. Johns County Emergency Management Citizen Information Line at (904) 824.5550.

Photo by Shelley Howard

Dune walkover damage near Mickler’s Landing

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