By Angela Higginbotham
Atlantic Coast High School senior Amelia Root was recently accepted into the prestigious United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. Root’s impressive leadership skills and academic excellence have brought her to this accomplishment.
The United States Naval Academy is a rigorous four year college that prepares young women and men to become professional officers of competence, character, and compassion in the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Naval Academy students are midshipmen on active duty in the United States Navy. Graduates are recognized as an immediate ensign (junior commissioned officer rank) in the Navy or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps and serve for at least five years. Root enjoys math and solving real world problems. She plans to major in Operations Research.
Born in China and adopted at 10 months old, Root was raised in Jacksonville. Her parents, Rick and Kelly Root, and two sisters are supportive and proud of her accomplishments. An accomplished athlete, Root will be following in her older sister’s footsteps and joining the golf team at the Academy.
“My dad taught us how to play golf at a young age. When I was in sixth grade, I found a friend who also played. I enjoy playing the game competitively now and it’s part of the reason that I became even more interested in the Naval Academy,” Root said.
The process of acceptance into the Naval Academy is a long and tedious one with essays, paperwork, test scores and a congressional nomination is required.
“If anything, I’m nervous about the physical side of the Academy. I don’t like people yelling at me, but I’m so excited for the opportunity and I’m looking forward to being there with my sister. When I went to visit, it just felt like the place that I should be,” Root said.
She will begin studies at the Naval Academy on June 28, 2018, just a short time after graduating from Atlantic Coast High School.
Photo courtesy Atlantic Coast High School
Amelia Root receiving her appointment certificate from Congressman John Rutherford.