Q: What is the latest on the construction of the three new schools?
A: The school board approved the contract for the second K-8 school, this one to be located in Beacon Lakes. It’s a horrible price — $65 million, up from $57 million for the same school plans for the Shearwater K-8 that we received the bid on within the last two months. Also for context, two years ago, we accepted a bid to build the same plans for Pine Island Academy, and that bid was $37 million. 

We also approved the plans for the third school, to be located in RiverTown. This school will have different plans, as it is a K-8 school which will transition to a middle school once we build an elementary school in RiverTown. This school will have 1,100 student stations and use the Patriot Oaks Academy prototype. (The other two proposed schools will have 1,500 student stations.) This school will go out to bid in early January.

We will begin construction on the Beacon Lakes school as soon as possible and we still expect to open all three schools in fall 2024. Each of these areas is critically overcrowded and all need relief.

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Q: It’s school choice time. Do you have the deadlines?
A: We held our High School Showcase, which gave students and their families the opportunity to learn about the high school Programs of Choice and meet representatives from each high school, on Dec. 14. Eligible students may apply online (https://cte.stjohns.k12.fl.us/) during the application window: Jan. 5 through Jan. 31 at 5 p.m. Academy nights at the high schools will also be held during this time; visit https://cte.stjohns.k12.fl.us/timeline/ for a schedule.

Q: What can you share about Controlled Open Enrollment at this time?
A: We are entering the second window for application for Controlled Open Enrollment, Jan. 31 – Feb. 24, 2023. As usual, we have very little capacity. The Webster School, Crookshank Elementary and Murray Middle School remain the only schools with availability. Selection is based on a lottery system, with first priority going to in-county students. Visit www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/coe for more information.

Q: What is the school district’s legislative priority for next year?
A: We are heading into the new legislative session and have submitted our priorities. The first one is to support funding to address salary compression created by the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation and minimum wage increase in order to better support and retain veteran teachers and personnel. I’ve already had the opportunity to address this support for our veteran teachers with incoming Speaker of the House Renner.

Q: Is the school district still hiring?
A: Yes, we continue to look for people to fill staff vacancies including teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers and cafeteria workers. If you are interested, please apply on our website, www.stjohns.k12.fl.us under “Careers.”

Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

  • Advertise in our May Issue The Creek Line