Q: What’s the latest update on the new schools under construction?
A: Things are moving along for all three schools and we still plan for all three to open in fall 2024. Work such as clearing and establishing the dirt pad are underway for the Shearwater school; land is being cleared for the Beacon Lakes school; and the bid for construction has been released for the RiverTown school. We anticipate awarding this bid in March and starting construction as soon as possible thereafter. 

Q: What is the plan to staff these new schools?
A: We are already looking ahead to hire teachers for these new schools. We have a Job Fair scheduled on Feb. 25 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. at Nease High School and principals from all the schools will be onsite to conduct interviews on the spot. We are always looking for high quality teachers to join our district, to include new graduates, people returning to the workforce, or those with alternative certifications. We will have another Job Fair for teachers on March 25 and a similar job fair for other school employees at a date to be announced.

Q: When is this year’s Teacher of the Year going to be announced?
A: On Feb. 2, we will honor our schools’ Teachers of the Year and Rookie Teachers of the Year at a banquet at World Golf Village that will once again be hosted by INK!. I look forward to finding out which of our five finalists, which includes Gomati Sutaria of Liberty Pines Academy and Brianne Seplocha of Picolata Crossing Elementary in the Northwest, will be going to the state competition.

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Q: Do you have anything else to share with NW St. Johns County?
A: The Field of Dreams will hold opening day on Feb. 4 with games starting at 9 a.m. and the opening ceremony at 10:30 a.m. I am delighted to be associated with the organization from the beginning because it gives all of our kids a chance to participate.

Q: How can our readers contact you?

A: They can email me at beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

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