Q: Do you have an update on the improvements around Alberts Field?
A: The Parks and Rec Department has communicated with the Mandarin Sports Association (MSA) and committed to a list of improvements it can do as well as a timeline. Also, I recently saw a rendering of the parking lot improvements at the corner of Orange Picker and Brady roads, which shows a paved parking lot at Alberts Field along with a retention pond, which will help with drainage from both the parking lot and the dog park across the street. 

Regarding the house that is still on the dog park property, the Public Works Department has taken responsibility to get this torn down so they can proceed with the dog park.  

Q: What is the latest on Palmetto Leaves Park?
A: I recently discussed improvements to this park with Parks and Rec. Scheduled are two soccer fields, an additional youth ballfield, parking and some speed calming devices. There are still plans to make this part of a bicycle loop through Palmetto Leaves Park and Greenland Road.

Q: Solid waste pickup still seems to be a concern in Mandarin. Do you have any updates?
A: I acknowledge this concern regarding timeliness of pick up as I have experienced it myself. The City of Jacksonville continues to move forward with efforts for a transfer station at Belfort Road, which should greatly ease the situation by decreasing the length of time it takes for the trucks to complete their rounds.

Q: What is happening at the corner of San Jose Boulevard and Pall Mall Drive?
A: People have probably noticed the sign for a new three-minute car wash near this location. This property was already zoned for this purpose so it was not a rezoning matter and the property owner has every right to build this. 

Q: What can you share about the proposed new liquor store on San Jose Boulevard?
A: A professional office building on San Jose Boulevard just north of Loretto Road received an exemption from the Planning Committee to open a liquor store. This exemption did not need to come to the Land Use and Zoning Committee (LUZ) or the City Council. However, I understand that there are some business owners within the office building who may be filing an appeal to this decision. This appeal would come to the council — and I anticipate it coming to LUZ by the end of April for the committee to either uphold or grant the appeal.

Q: Do you have any plans for a Town Hall meeting?
A: Yes, we have scheduled a virtual Town Hall meeting for Thursday, April 15 from 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Community members should contact my office for the Zoom call information.

Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?

A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.

[Editor’s Note: Councilmember Boylan would like to invite readers who have questions that they would like him to answer in the next issue of Mandarin NewsLine to email them to editor@floridanewsline.com by the 10th of the month.]

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