Q: What can you tell us about the recently formed audit advisory committee?
A: The school board has created an audit advisory committee and each board member will select one person to serve on the committee. The first meeting of the committee is expected to be in May. If anyone in District 7 with finance/auditing experience is interested in serving on the committee, please reach out to me.

Q: Have you been able to visit schools this past month?
A: In January and February, I attended a few mid-year stakeholder reports of various schools’ SAC committees. I visited one high school, one middle school and one elementary school and I was excited about the progression of student achievement in District 7. Plans are in place and being worked to get students on track and close achievement gaps. I look forward to positive outcomes at the end of the school year.

Q: What are the district’s plans for its ESSER funds?
A: ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds are subgrants by the federal government to address the impacts COVID-19 has had on K-12 students, educators, and families. The superintendent has decided to make a large investment in the arts throughout the district using these one-time funds. In District 7, updates and renovations to things like school auditoriums and sound systems will take place, specific to each school, over the next six months to a year.

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Q: Is there any other work being done in District 7?
A: One big project is that Crown Point Elementary School will be getting a new roof over the summer break.

Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at HersheyL@duvalschools.org or call me at (904) 390-2375.

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