Q: Can you clarify information about the budget and taxes assessed by the school district for next year?
A: There seems to be some confusion about this. Per Florida Statute, the school district has published an ad informing residents that their taxes will be increasing; however, the school district millage rate has actually decreased .073 mills, from 5.483 mills last year to 5.410 mills this year. The only reason that residents’ taxes are increasing is because their property values have increased — an average of 18.85 percent in St. Johns County this year. So, the taxes on the tax bill are going up because the assessed value of the homes has increased. 

This has nothing to do with the possibility that we may consider asking voters for one more mill, primarily to fund teacher salaries, next year. If we decide to do this, it would go on the ballot in 2024 for people to vote on and potentially go into effect in 2025. A millage increase requires voting by residents during a general election.

Q: What can you share about the first day of school?
A: We have now welcomed back more than 50,000 students to our classrooms this year. We don’t really know how we’re being impacted by the vouchers issued by the state at this time; we know we’ve lost some students, but the state won’t release these numbers until the October student counts. We are seeing a few new homeschooled students since they are now eligible for vouchers.

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As for teacher vacancies, we are way down from this time last year and are hiring more teachers every day.

Q: Will St. Johns County offer AP Psychology this year?
A: Yes. There has been a lot of information going around about this, but basically the AP won’t give credit for this course unless it is taught in its entirety. Our state department of education has approved teaching the course in its entirety in an age appropriate manner, so our district will be offering the course this year. Superintendent Forson met with all the teachers who will be teaching this course and we’re all on the same page and don’t expect any problems going forward.

Q: How is student transportation faring so far in the school year?
A: Our buses have required a number of double runs, but we are getting things under control. Road construction is an issue, especially on Longleaf Pine Parkway and County Road 210 near Beachwalk, which affects the students at Beachside High School. As the county grows, it definitely affects our transportation.

I am very thankful to the county for the completion of the safer walk zone for St. Johns Forest students as they walk to Liberty Pines Academy. The sidewalk was successfully moved farther from the roadway prior to the start of school.

Q: Do you have anything else to share with District 1?
A: We are looking forward to the kick-off of fall sports and are expecting good behavior on behalf of our students and parents at the games. We call it “Victory with Honor” behavior.

Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

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