By Mims Cushing
It’s almost April and I don’t think there’s a single reason for us to regale our friends with greeting cards. Oh, that doesn’t mean there aren’t reasons to celebrate. Years ago I sent away for The 2015 National Day Calendar and it’s been lying fallow in my bottom desk drawer since then. The calendar shows remarkable things you can celebrate, day by day, year after year.
For instance, did you know there’s a Chocolate Covered Cashews Day? It’s on April 21. And every year, on April 29, there is Zipper Day. Now how does a man or woman celebrate that? April 3 is National Find a Rainbow Day. Don’t do another thing until you find one.

And those are just some of the national days listed. The first week in April has 30 things you can celebrate. Plenty of holidays are celebrated with a greeting card. But “National Day” events don’t require a trip to the card store.
Here’s a head’s up for you to start planning for National Days in October. I’m giving you a full six months to prepare.
The first of October is Homemade Cookies Day, so get baking. It’s Fried Scallops day on the second. Oh yum. Sugar followed by fat. It’s also National Name Your Car Day on the second. I think I’ll name my car Bartholomew, which I wanted to name my son.
Techie’s Day is the third, but I celebrate any day my techie can wrestle my computer into submission. Now, the fourth of October is Taco, Vodka, and Golf Day. What a delightful combination! The fifth is Do Something Nice Day. Only one day out of the whole year is a day we should do something nice? The next day you can smile for being good and treat yourself on National Fluffernutter Day, so break out the peanut butter and marshmallows. Can you believe there is a National Moldy Cheese Day, the following day? Are we supposed to eat it or throw it out?
The 10th is Costume Swap Day, followed by Clergy Appreciation Day, then Kick Butt Day. On the 14th we celebrate Be Bald and Be Free Day. I can’t wait for Grouch Day on the 15th. Only one measly day to be grouchy? It’s shared with I Love Lucy Day.
It’s Medical Assistants’ Recognition Day on the 21st. Bring him or her some Pumpkin Cheesecake to celebrate that national holiday, also on the 21st, along with Reptile Awareness Day. Phew. Busy day. Celebrate Greasy Food Day on the 25th, which is also Mother-in-Law Day. It’s Navy Day on the 27th, along with American Beer Day. The National Days list is endless—in a year there are 1,500 National Days.
And by the way, here’s a little secret I want to share: if you dislike spending $3, $4, or $5 on a greeting card, Trader Joe’s has the most beautiful cards for only 99 cents. Who doesn’t love a bargain? Maybe there’s a National Bargain Day.