Q: Can you share information about volunteer opportunities in the district?
A: Volunteers are so important to our school district. They make a big difference in the lives of students and teachers. There are ongoing volunteer opportunities as well as special event needs. Some volunteers work with the same teacher year after year. At the elementary school level, volunteers can read to children or listen to them read, make props for plays and help at recess among many other possibilities. At the secondary level, we always need speakers about careers, assistance in the office or school clinic, and proctors for standardized tests. The need for volunteers is great and we will work with you to find opportunities at a nearby school. Orientation for new school district volunteers will be held Tuesday, Aug. 8, from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. at the Fullerwood Center Auditorium, 10 Hildreth Drive in St. Augustine. Information will be shared regarding the basics of school support through academic tutoring, mentoring, and other areas of need. Call (904) 547-3952 or email Cheryl.Freeman@stjohns.k12.fl.us for more information or to reserve your spot. 

Q: What can you tell us about the district’s energy conservation efforts?
A: The district is a good steward of energy. We received the quarterly energy conservation status report at our last school board meeting. Nease High School has reduced energy consumption and avoided $133,000 in energy costs, the highest in the district. In total, the district reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 3,625 metric tons, which is the equivalent to 755 passenger cars not being driven for a year. Also, between January and March 2023, the district saved a total of $1.4 million in cost avoidance as compared to the 2008 baseline (with adjustments for the current time).

Q: Can you shed some light on the district’s upcoming five-year strategic plan?
A: In June, there were several meetings between a group of community stakeholders, teachers, parents, and even some students to work on our strategic plan. They utilized data from surveys and interviews gathered as a result of our accreditation process and identified as some of the initiatives: individualized student support; student learning and growth; retention and recruitment of high quality teachers and staff; technology now and in the future (to include AI); and communication. I’m looking forward to having this process completed and presented at an upcoming board meeting. 

Q: Is it too early to register students for next school year?
A: Please register your children, especially incoming kindergarteners, for school as soon as possible. This goes especially for new families who are moving into the area over the summer. Registration may be done at their local school, and most of the paperwork is done online. There is an address locator on our main website (www.stjohns.k12.fl.us) that will let residents know exactly which schools their home is zoned for. We encourage parents to register as soon as they can.

Q: Do you have anything else to share with District 4?
A: We were very grateful to ratify the teacher contract for this past school year at our June school board meeting. We continue to hire high quality teachers for our growing school district. 

Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at kelly.barrera@stjohns.k12.fl.us or call me at (904) 547-7510.

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