Q: Can you share some insight on the reopening of Mickler’s Beach on May 20?
A: We are very excited that Mickler’s Beach will be reopening soon and we can get residents back to the beach. We have had an extension of the FEMA berm project, but other access points, yet to be determined, will be utilized. The Board of County Commissioners determined that Mickler’s Beach should be open going forward and we don’t anticipate any further closures as a result of the berm project. We appreciate the public’s patience with this project.
Q: Since it is peak beach season, do you have any comments for residents at the beach?
A: We definitely want constituents to enjoy the beach, but we also need to focus on safety. Lifeguards, Parks and Rec personnel, Fire and Rescue, and the SJSO will all be on high alert so everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer at the beach. We ask residents to be alert and patient, and to notify law enforcement if they see any issues or safety concerns.
Q: Are you still hearing from residents about yard waste collection delays?
A: We are still having some challenges in parts of the county. We continue to work diligently with the contractor to ensure that delays are kept to a minimum and that services, if missed, are back on track as soon as possible. I’d encourage constituents to notify our office if necessary due to delays because we want residents to get the services they are paying for.
Q: Do you have an update on the American Rescue Plan Act funds that the Commission decided not to allocate at the March meeting?
A: In April, the Board of County Commissioners directed staff to work with the United Way to act as a type of clearing house and vet local St. Johns County charities who request these funds. Home Again St. Johns will be allocated funding and then going forward the United Way will act in a fair and equitable way so we can best address the needs of our community.
Q: Do you have dates and times for your next local office hours?
A: Yes. I will be available on May 13 and June 10 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day to meet with constituents at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library. Constituents wishing to meet with me need to call my office and schedule a time, as well as let us know the topic they wish to discuss so I can have staff available if necessary.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Readers can email me at bcc4jblocker@sjcfl.us or call me at (904) 679-2620.