By Kristen Hicks-Roof PhD, RD

As we are closing out summer, the time comes when schools resume, which means kids and young adults are no longer at home 24/7. (As a parent myself, I think all those parents out there can relate!) Back to school brings opportunities to support healthful food choices for all ages. So what can you do? Let’s focus on three main concepts in nutrition and how you can support positive food choice.


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  1. Aim to get at least one fruit, vegetable, whole grain and lean protein at meals and/or snacks. See MyPlate for examples (
  2. Get your children, teens and young adults involved. Give them choice with meal planning, at the grocery, during meal prep and when eating out. Food choice does not have to be a battle, but rather embrace preference, culture and food enjoyment.


  1. Change up your routine eating plans periodically. Once per week (or every other), explore all your food options by looking at adding either a new fruit, vegetable, whole grain or lean protein in the menu.
  2. Within each food group (e.g. proteins), there are many options available to us. Try different cuts or cooking methods of popular animal proteins like pork, or explore the possibilities of plant-based proteins such as legumes and beans. 


  1. Food can bring happiness to our bodies, our moods and our mouth. All foods can be part of your dietary pattern, just some less frequently or in smaller amounts than others. 
  2. Start a positive mindset with food for you and your family. Let’s eliminate food stigmatization by not classifying healthy vs. unhealthy or good vs. bad. Let’s be a friend to all foods!

As parents and caregivers, it is a premier opportunity to instill and inspire positive eating patterns and embracing that all foods bring nutrients to our bodies. Focusing on balance, variety and moderation are key.

Kristen Hicks-Roof PhD, RDN, LDN, CLC, FAND is an associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Brooks College of Health, University of North Florida.

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