Bird walk at Fort Matanzas on Dec. 19

By NewsLine Staff

The National Park Service will host an opportunity to explore the ecology and birds of Florida’s coast on Saturday, Dec. 19, from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Join Park volunteer Veronica Peterson for an informative bird walk in the park’s diverse habitat.

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Meet at the Fort Matanzas Visitor Center if you are interested in participating and bring bug repellant, binoculars (park may have several pair for loan) and comfortable, closed-toe shoes. This bird walk is appropriate for all ages and difficulty level is mild, with some uneven or sandy terrain encountered during the walk.

Fort Matanzas is located 14 miles south of St. Augustine on Anastasia Island, four miles south of SR 206 on Highway A1A. The park address is 8635 A1A South, St. Augustine, FL 32080. Fort Matanzas is open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. There is no entrance or parking fees required to visit the park, take the short ferry ride to the fort or to participate in the bird walk. Programs and ferry service are subject to cancellation due to bad weather. For additional information, call 904-471-0116 or

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