By NewsLine Staff
Members of St. Johns County School District’s Transportation Department usually end their morning drop-off shift and head off to take a break or support class/school field trips; however, on this magical day, they decided to do a different type of overtime — they came to Freedom Crossing Academy to help make holiday crafts with first grade students. Their visit was a surprise for the children. As the children were setting up to make their craft the volunteers entered the area and children began cheering.
“When I saw Mr. Lou I couldn’t believe he came to see me at school!” said first grader Anthony Cornell. “I can’t wait to tell my family that he came to see me.”
This activity was put together by Rob Moss, lead operator of transportation and Neeti Gregg, first grade teacher.
“I was looking for volunteers,” said Gregg. “I wanted help with this fun craft and asked Rob Moss if he was able to assist. He replied offering not only his help, but found members of his team within a few hours who were eager to join in.” The joint venture was planned in less than two days. There were 36 students from two classes (Gregg’s class and Kim Denny’s class.) Everyone made snowmen out of socks. The excitement filled the halls of the school.
“Our team enjoys supporting the community and the children we serve,” said Irene Bouranis. “However, the true gift was for us. Having this time to have fun with some of our students filled our hearts with joy.”
Photo courtesy Neeti Gregg
Ellie Wheaton and Christina Jackson.