By NewsLine Staff
In a response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael, Family Support Services of North Florida and Children’s Home Society of Florida have teamed up to host a supply drive to benefit foster families, children and case management staff affiliated with Big Bend Community Based Care (BBCBC) who were affected by the storm. The drop off location is Children’s Home Society of Florida located at 3027 San Diego Road, Jacksonville FL 32207. Donations of items listed below will be collected through Thursday, Oct. 30, 2018.
Big Bend Community Based Care is the FSS counterpart, serving foster families and children in northwest Florida. Many of its foster families and staff have been displaced. To support them, Family Support Services and Children’s Home Society of Florida have asked the northeast Florida community to contribute by donating the supplies listed below:

Bath-sized towels and washcloths
Gift cards
Children’s shoes (all sizes)
Socks (all sizes)
Paper goods (toilet paper, plates, paper towel, bowls, cutlery)
Air mattresses (twin and full)
Sheets and pillowcases
Sleeping bags
Toiletries (deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, brushes, ETC)
Food/drinks (self-opening canned goods, sealed crackers, peanut butter, chips and snacks, non-chocolate candy, individual juices (no refrigeration needed), powdered drink mix)
Garbage bags
Diapers/Pull-ups (all sizes/ages)
Baby wipes
Coloring/activity books/crayons (for kids)
Batteries (C, D and AA)
First-aid kits
Coolers (small)
Ziploc bags (all sizes)
Cleaning supplies (Clorox Wipes, Bleach, mops, Pine Sol or Lysol)
Hand sanitizer
Laundry Detergent/dryer sheets
Donations can be dropped off at Children’s Home Society of Florida located at 3027 San Diego Road, Jacksonville FL 32207 Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm at the Andrews Center – Building D onsite at CHS.
If community members would like to contribute monetary donations that go directly to foster care youth and families in need in the affected areas, they can go to:Â
Please call Family Support Services of North Florida at (904) 418-5837 for any additional information.
Family Support Services is the lead agency for foster care, adoption and family preservation in Duval and Nassau counties. For more information about FSS, visit