By NewsLine Staff
American Legion Mandarin Post 372 recently awarded the American Legion School Medal award to 20 students at Mandarin area schools. Students were enrolled in both public and private schools and medals were awarded during fifth, eighth or 12th grade end of year awards ceremonies. Students were selected for having the traits of Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship and Service.

“The School Medal is the highest honor awarded American Youth by the American Legion. It is a medal that proclaims to the world that they are the kind of student that we, the comrades of men and women who gave their lives in battle, believe worthy of such honor,” said Carl Jowers, Post Adjutant of Post 372.
For more information about American Legion Mandarin Post 372, contact
Photo courtesy Carl Jowers
Christ’s Church Academy eighth grade awards ceremony: school medals presented to Paul Porter and Brooke Roberts by Legionnaire Dan Hempsall.
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