Q: Are there any updates to the County Dock property [as of interview date of Dec. 14]?
A: While we have not officially confirmed this, many neighbors received an email recently with the news that a contract was pending on this property that would need to close by year end. Apparently, what is planned for this property likely will not require rezoning. 

Q: How is the construction progressing on the corner of Orange Picker and Brady roads to include the rerouting of the road, expansion of parking at Alberts Field and the new dog park?
A: Drainage and retention pond work has begun in earnest. We will do our best to keep neighbors informed of the upcoming road closures associated with this work.

Nearby to this, perhaps some residents have noticed the selective clearcutting that has been done on Brady Road, between Orange Picker and Melrose Plantation Drive. Trees have been left, but the brush has been cleared out. I spoke with the owner of the property and he said he thought it was time to do some clearing, but has no specific plans for anything else.

Q: Can you give some insight into your idea to form a preservation society group for Mandarin?
A: I think it’s time to establish a group, like exists in San Marco (San Marco Preservation Society) and Riverside (RAP), to advocate and promote the character and quality of life of Mandarin. I foresee a combination advocacy group and ambassadors who encourage the preservation of Mandarin. This type of work happens now on an ad hoc basis, but I think an organized structure and group would be advantageous. I’ve reached out to former City Councilmember Sharon Copeland to ask if she would be willing to help us establish our version of one of these groups. 

The plan is to further explore this idea at an organizational meeting, open to the public, on the evening of Feb. 1 at the Mandarin Senior Center on Hartley Road. I encourage residents who might like to become involved to attend this meeting. Please call our office for more details and information.

Q: What else do you have to share with Mandarin?
A: I’m happy to report that the playground facility at Chuck and Corky Rogers Park is complete and already being enjoyed by families. It’s been a long time coming. Also, the playground equipment at Hazouri Mandarin Park is in the queue to be replaced.

Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.

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