Q: What can you tell us about the unsightliness of some of the medians along San Jose Boulevard in Mandarin?
A: This has been a subject of concern to me for over a year. The City of Jacksonville arborist and his staff will be looking at the medians from Goodby’s to Julington Creek. The medians along San Jose Boulevard, a state road, north of Interstate 295 are state medians and we are working with the Florida Department of Transportation to improve them. For the medians south of Interstate 295, we have an interlocal agreement with the state for the City of Jacksonville to maintain. There is presently an RFP (Request for Proposal) out to beautify the medians. Some of the medians are too small for the mature trees. It’s important to note that medians have the same substrate under them as the road, which is not conducive to growing anything. We will have to dig up this substrate under the medians to be able to put in sufficient soil so the trees and plants will grow.
Q: What is the status of the median improvements along Old St. Augustine Road?
A: Right now we are in the process of improving the medians on Old St. Augustine Road south of Interstate 295. The money has been allocated and we should see progress within 60 days.
Q: Do you have any update on the County Dock Road property?
A: This issue underwent mediation to try to come to a consensus on development and construction on this property. The mediation was not successful, so it is now up to the applicant as to how he would like to proceed.
Q: Is the Marbon Road property getting close to the end of the due diligence period prior to sale?
A: Yes, my understanding is that closing on this property should occur before the end of April. I believe they need to have an easement corrected and then should be able to proceed with the sale and then development as the approved PUD.
Q: Are the sidewalks along Mandarin Road nearing completion?
A: By the time this issue of Mandarin NewsLine is in circulation, the sidewalks along Mandarin Road from Orange Picker Road to the south should be complete. By the next issue, I should be able to give an update on the northward sidewalks along Mandarin Road as well as the sidewalks along Orange Picker Road.
Q: We had a reader ask this question: “Are there any updates on the old KMart property on San Jose Boulevard at Old St Augustine Road? This is one of the major eyesores in Mandarin.”
A: I actually haven’t heard anything about this and unfortunately, don’t have anything to share.
Q: Do you have any other District 6 updates?
A: The splash park at Losco Park will open on May 1 and the new playground there should be completed by the same time. I hope community members will let me know what they think of it.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Community members can email me at MattS@coj.net or call (904) 630-1388.