By David Lifka

Getting kids out the door over summer vacation is often quite a chore. It seems many kids today prefer an artificial environment in an artificial world. While today’s devices are capable of providing hours of entertainment and stimulation, these same devices also seem to be denying today’s children the pleasures of an outdoor world that awaits them.

Fishing is an outdoor activity that can expand one’s recognition and appreciation of a natural environment in a real world. Weather, flowers, trees, birds, animals, and of course the fish, become a new source of entertainment and stimulation. Planning, targeting, engaging and then actually making the catch, can provide a real sense of pride and achievement for most any kid and older folks alike.

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Bream are probably the most abundant and sought after freshwater fish that exists. Numerous generations of fishing men and women more than likely started their fishing careers catching bream as children. Any freshwater creek, river, pond, or lake can be expected to sustain a population of bream. For these reasons, bream fishing is probably the most common and easiest way to learn or to teach anyone the basics of fishing.

A simple cane pole or push button rod and reel along with a small hook, split shot weight, bobber, and light line will get you started. Bread or homemade dough balls will work very well for bait. Worms and crickets make exceptional baits, but are better used when the participants are little bit past being squeamish.

Neighborhood ponds are great locations to try first. Area waterfront parks and boat ramps also provide access to some pretty good bream fishing. Trout Creek south of Orangedale on State Road 13 provides great access on both sides of creek, with a bait store at the old Pacetti’s Fish Camp.

The benefits of fishing can be enjoyed by everyone. Fishing is more than catching fish — it’s an opportunity to get outdoors, enjoy nature and enjoy being with friends and family. Starting early with bream can be just the beginning to a lifetime of various fishing adventures passed on from one generation to the next.

Fishing Report: Weakfish have been strong in the Doctors Lake area of the river. Bring a rod to the beach for summertime whiting and bonnethead sharks. On June 1, recreational shrimping reopens in Duval and St. Johns counties.

Whether you catch one, some, or none, the family time spent fishing will last a lifetime.

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