A Classic Theatre Hosts Gathering

09/21/2017 6:30 pm - 09/21/2017 7:30 pm
The Art Studio, A1A Beach Boulevard, St Augustine Beach, FL, United States


 St. Augustine, FL__ ACT is hosting their annual Gathering on Thursday, September 21 at 6:30-7:30pm at the Art Studio located at 370 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. www.beachartstudio.com/

All those interested in the theater in St. Augustine are cordially invited to come out and meet us…old friends, new friends…all are welcome.  Refreshments and snacks will be served along with introductions to A Classic Theatre’s Board of Directors and its new president, Kathryn Masters. You will also get first glimpse of ACT’s plans for the 2017-18 season.

This is an opportunity to come out and get connected with ACT.  There are opportunities for actors, directors, stage managers, backstage helpers and front-of-the-house volunteers.

Questions?  Contact us at aclassictheatre@hotmail.com.  Check us out at www.aclassictheatre.org