Q: Is it already time to be thinking about school choice for next school year?
A: Yes! “School Showcase Saturday,” this year’ s “School Choice Expo” has a new look and a new name, and it is being held earlier than previous years. It will be an in-person event this year — after being virtual for the past two years — and it will take place on Saturday, Dec. 10 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The new look will be that parents and students have an opportunity to visit their school(s) of choice in person, meet the principal, and tour the school. I think this provides a better way to gain insight into all each school offers. I encourage you to include your neighborhood school as you plan your tour(s). While Dec. 10 will be the only Saturday all schools will be open, parents will be able to schedule a weekday tour through the respective school of interest. I encourage parents and students to begin exploring school options now by visiting the “We have That” website that showcases neighborhood, magnet and choice options that are available through DCPS. The website address is: www.wehavethat.org.
Q: What has been the latest response by Duval County Schools to the grand jury investigation regarding school safety?
A: In response to the grand jury’s report, in October the school board passed a resolution to hire Tallahassee law firm, Sniffen and Spellman, PA, to do a review of the district’s practices for school safety to ensure our alignment with state protocols and procedures. The cost of the review is capped at $50,000 and we should receive their report in November.
Q: Do you have anything else to share with District 7?
A: I’d like everyone who attended October’s Chat with the Superintendent at Greenland Pines Elementary. This was a great opportunity to meet with Dr. Greene and ask about our schools and for her to address concerns.
Q: How can our readers contact you?
A: They can email me at HersheyL@duvalschools.org or call me at (904) 390-2375.