Q: What is happening with the Simon property?
A: We had hoped that this property between County Dock Road, Mandarin Road, and Loretto Road would become a pocket park as part of the larger park swap for downtown’s Metropolitan Park, which never came to pass. So, yes, a developer is now interested in developing the property. I don’t know all the details yet, but they have purchased property on Loretto Road that they can use for ingress and egress and will not have to utilize County Dock to reach the property. Some rezoning will likely be requested and because of the focus and interest in this property, we will have a community meeting when the time is appropriate.
Q: Can you give an update on the Ferngully Preserve?
A: The City Council approved, as part of a larger Parks and Recreation appropriation, the city’s contribution of $70,000 for the purchase of the property adjacent (and to be added to) the Ferngully Preserve and a contract has been forwarded to the property owner.
Q: What is happening with the Mandarin Cemetery?
A: The cemetery board has filed an application to expand the cemetery somewhat, and have requested rezoning to do so. I’ve received some letters from community members in opposition to this, which I forwarded to the cemetery board members. The Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for mid-October has been deferred until early November in an effort to address the concerns of neighbors in this area.
Q: What else do you have to share with District 6?
A: I co-introduced a bill to the City Council to rename Mandarin Park to “Thomas L. ‘Tommy’ Hazouri Sr. Park.” I think this is appropriate as many people appreciate his many accomplishments and services at both local and state levels. I might offer an amendment to call it “Mandarin’s Tommy Hazouri Park” as it is so well known already as Mandarin Park and Tommy was a longtime resident and advocate for Mandarin.
Also, our next Town Hall meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 2 (rescheduled from Oct. 26) at the Mandarin Senior Center, 3848 Hartley Road from 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. I’ve invited an officer from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO), the new director of communications from the Public Works Department, Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan, and representatives from IQ Fiber, just so that they can explain the process of adding the fiber lines to the neighborhoods.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you?
A: Community members can email me at MBoylan@coj.net or call (904) 255-5206.